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My first paid-by-an-employer-that-wasn't-my-dad job was at Sonic.

I was a carhop, and let me tell you 6'1" on rollerblades is not a great idea.

However, I do remember going through the interview process.

I filled out an application, met with various managers 2-3 times, and then I got the phone call.

It was an invitation to work, and I was over the moon.

For many of us, an invitation to work at our next-level job is an exciting prospect.

The same is true in the Kingdom of Heaven.

MATTHEW 20:1-2

Jesus begins telling a parable in Matthew 20:1-2, and the start of the parable goes like this:

1 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard.

2 He agreed to pay them a denarius[a] for the day and sent them into his vineyard."

There's a few observations that are helpful from the beginning:

  1. This is picture of the kingdom of heaven (ie - not the "fallen" state of the world).
  2. God is looking for workers as soon as the workers are available (ie - early in the morning).
  3. God pays/rewards his workers with material compensation (ie - not an elevated "spiritual" state).


I think all of these aspects are worth remembering in hopes that it renews in us a sense that God invites us to work for him in various capacities - as financial planners, lawyers, doctors, homemakers, all of us serving in the church, etc.

In other words, God invites us to work and when he does:

  1. It's a picture of the kingdom of heaven
  2. He's ready to enlish us as soon as we're ready
  3. The worker is worthy of his wages - he never witholds good from those that are with him.

The Lent season, as you pray and fast - remember that the work God has given you outside the home, in the home, and with those in your home is sacred, good work that you are invited into.

God rewards active, working hands.