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When it came to sports and physical activity as a kid, I was amazed at what my dad could.

  • He throw the highest pop flys for baseball.
  • He could had a great jump shot.
  • He threw a tight spiral.
  • He never lost a wrestling match against us.

As a kid these things were impossible to me.

  • I could hardly throw a baseball to a person.
  • I couldn't make a lay up.
  • I threw a "wounded duck" in football.
  • And I always lost to my dad in wrestling.

When I was a kid, my dad could do impossible things and it made him, my mom, and us kids happy.

We see something similar in Matthew 19:25-26.

MATTHEW 19:25-26

A rich, young ruler as just departed Jesus sad, because Jesus invited him to sell everything and follow him. However, the young man was surrounded by a lot of material possessions he didn't want to part with.

Jesus then tells the disciples, "Look, what I've asked this guy to do is not easy. It's easier for a camel to enter through a small narrow gate."

The text picks up here:

25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”

26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

In the context of Jesus, the two things that tend to prevent the rich from experiencing the God-life is their hoarding and hubris. These two things are hard to eradicate from the heart ("impossible" by the disciples measruement).

However, it brings great joy for this "possible-by-God" thing to be done so that someone can enter into life.


In the same way that my family could be amazed and filled with joy at my dad's "impossible" feats, so it brings God and his people great joy when he does the impossible among us. When he:

  • Makes the hoarder...generous
  • Makes the prideful...humble
  • Make the broken...whole
  • Makes the sick...healthy
  • Make the wounded...bound up

What is impossible to us is possible to God.

He brings him joy to do it.

It brings joy to the person he does it for.

It brings joy to those that see God do it.

"Possible-by-God" things bring a lot of joy - and he loves to do it.